Staying Positive
The first step to staying positive and focused is recognizing when you’re feeling jealous. If you find yourself comparing yourself to others, ask yourself why. Are they doing something that makes them more successful than you? Does their success threaten yours in any way? If not, then why are you feeling jealous of them at all?
Jealousy is often caused by fear or insecurity; when we feel threatened in some way by another person’s accomplishments or abilities, it can trigger feelings of inadequacy or inferiority–and those emotions aren’t helpful when trying to achieve your own goals! Instead of focusing on how far behind someone else is compared with where they are now (which isn’t really relevant anyway), focus instead on what steps need taken next for YOU: get back into work mode and start making progress towards YOUR goal!
Remind Yourself That There’s More Than Enough To Go Around

When you compare yourself to others, it’s easy to feel like there’s not enough success to go around. But this is a false perception.
If you’re feeling jealous of someone else’s success, remind yourself that there are plenty of opportunities for everyone. There are many different ways for people to achieve their goals and live their best lives–and even if someone has achieved more than you have so far in life, it doesn’t mean that they’ll always be ahead of you or that they’ll never fall behind again (or vice versa).
Remember: progress is progress! Focus on doing what works best for your own goals rather than worrying about other people’s achievements; when we get caught up in comparing ourselves with others’ successes or failures, we lose sight of our own progress toward achieving our own dreams
Get to Work

Stop procrastinating.
Use the success of others as motivation.
Stay busy and productive, so that you don’t have time to compare yourself with others or feel bad about yourself.
Celebrate Your Progress

One of the best things you can do is take time to reflect on what you’ve achieved. It’s easy to get caught up in comparing yourself to others, but it’s important to remember that progress is progress. You’re moving forward no matter how fast or slow your pace may be–and that’s something worth celebrating!
Take Time to Relax

In order to stay positive and focused, you need to take time out of your day to relax. This can be anything from spending time with friends and family, to doing something fun.
Focus on the Now

When you’re comparing yourself to others, it’s easy to get caught up in what they have and lose sight of what you do. It can be tempting to think that your life would be better if only your job paid more or if your friends were closer by–but these are just thoughts. The truth is that there are plenty of ways for everyone’s lives to improve: by taking care of themselves, spending time with loved ones and pursuing their passions.
If we all focused on making the most out of every moment, rather than worrying about what might happen next week or last year (or even tomorrow), then we’d all be happier people!
Be Kind to Yourself

When you’re comparing yourself to others, it’s easy to get caught up in the negative aspects of your life and forget about all the good things. This can lead to self-hatred and a feeling that there’s no point in trying because everyone else is better than you anyway.
To counteract this tendency, try being kinder towards yourself by practicing self-compassion. For example:
When I make a mistake at home or work (or anywhere), instead of beating myself up over it, I remind myself that everyone makes mistakes sometimes and just move on with my day without dwelling on my failure too much!
Personal Experience

As a creative, I’ve experienced the wave of jealousy and self-doubt countless times throughout my career. It’s easy to get caught up in comparing myself to other successful creatives and feeling like I’m not doing enough. But I’ve learned that this kind of thinking only sets me back and hinders my own progress.
To overcome this, I’ve had to constantly remind myself that everyone’s journey is different, and their success doesn’t threaten mine in any way. I’ve also made a conscious effort to focus on my own work and progress, setting realistic goals for myself and celebrating my achievements, no matter how small they may be.
It’s a constant battle, but with perseverance and a positive attitude, I’ve been able to stay focused on my own journey and achieve success in my own unique way. And I know that other creatives can do the same with hard work, determination, and a healthy mindset.